The Sound

We talk to the experts at the Wirecutter to find out the best wireless headphones in a variety of categories. Need a new pair of headphones? If you think Apple's AirPods are the only game in town, think again! We...
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The holiday season is fast approaching and that means holiday travel. We know that can be a scary phrase to hear, but this year make traveling with kids fun and easy with Puro Sound Lab’s family travel tips. 1. Keep...
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Many enjoyable sounds that we hear every day are at safe levels that won’t damage our hearing. However, sounds can be harmful when they are too loud—even for a short time—or when they are long-lasting, even if they are not...
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These days, even 3-year-olds wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening.” The devices limit the volume at which sound...
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The Wirecutter released a report that shows headphone devices for kids may not regulate volume to a decibel level that is suitable for children's ears.
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