The Sound

Severe to profound hearing loss is estimated to cost society on average $300,000 over the lifetime per individual. According to a study carried out in 1999 by B.B. Blanchfield and colleagues from the HOPE Center for Health Affairs, between 500,000...
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PuroQuiet kids’ headphones Designed by a dad who realized his daughter had hearing loss from listening too loud for too long, these comfy, plush headphones are specifically for children They limit volume to 85 decibels, protecting little ears, but also...
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WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Hearing loss is so common in today's society, especially in older individuals, that many people question the use of doing anything to protect their hearing from noise and loud sounds. But it turns out the source...
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Puro Sound Labs, a manufacturer of premium, safe children’s headphones, is introducing the PuroQuiet into the UK market. The latest studio-grade wireless headphones for kids feature active noise cancellation with volume limited to 85dB and Bluetooth at v4.0. The headphone’s...
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As a father of two and as someone who has listened to far too much rock ‘n’ roll over the years, finding headphones suitable for my kids is not as easy as you might think. Before World Hearing Day in...
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